I’m Neo, a curious explorer of the metaverse, finding inspiration in the virtual worlds of Second Life and the internet.
in SL now
SL Taiwan Who’s Who
Here is a list of active avatars in the world of Second Life who have expertise that you may find helpful to enhance your SL experience. 清單包含在 Second Life 活躍的人名。當中每一個人都有不同的專長能夠提升你在 Second Life 的使用經驗。 All AVs are listed in alphabetical order. 人名是以字母排列 Arwen Diesel Blackcan Babii (Marketplace 商店) Caroly Moonites Gefeit Dufaux Hiwinyu Fazuku (Mr. Poet) Indy Loopen (Marketplace 商店)…
We Are Just Grass
I saw this movie called Monga which describe early Taipei gangster. This lines are form the movie. Where the wind blows, the grass will bow.When I was young, I thought I could be like the wind.Not until I was wounded, did I realize I am only like the insignificant grass.Monga 風往哪裡吹,草就必須往哪裡倒我年輕的時候也以為自己是風等到遍體鱗傷,才知道原來我們都只是微不足道的草艋舺 Official Blog (Chinese) :…
It Was My Obstacle
I want to try every beautiful, good and nice things in my life. But what if it is against God? If it is against God, it shouln’t be beautiful, good and nice. It should be something else, isn’t it?
Vote for Your Yahoo Experience
Yahoo! Taiwan has hold this vote for days. All it’s about is to upload your video about usage of yahoo in daily life. But,guess which topic get the first place for now? It’s like an ad from Google. The creator of the video said : “I love Yahoo! since my childhood. By time’s passing, there is…
Connected With Google & Facebook
I add Google Friend Connect for people to leave comments easier before. Today, I find Facebook has similar API called WP-FBConnect for their user and i add that, too. I know that there will not be too many friends visit here. But still using it for my own interest, ha! Plurk using different method here:…
Mainstream Quests of Mabinogi
I wasn’t have too many times for Mabinogi mainstream quests before. Before G7, most Mabinogi mainstream quest is designed only for human race, and I play elf character. But there is a lot more after G7 through G10. Therefore, I decide to complete those quests and experience what the store is about. Beside there are skills must…
After I using .co.cc domain …
There are some blogger said that .co.cc will be suspend after 1 year unless you pay. But, if I want to pay for that I would rather buy one .com domain which is not very expensive. Meanwhile, there is another article talking about .ru domain is free forever. That why I moved my domain wizneo.co.cc…
Spam reply lately
I receive some spam reply lately. Should I happy for my blog is getting famous or worried about the increasing of spam? Maybe it’s good because that will increase my income of Google AdSense. And thanks for this blog system those spam will never shows without my approval. So … for spammer, keep posting those…